Unforgettable place - Jiudingshan 九顶山. Druopta Efekta / Kodak Ektar 100 How to describe this place... I have already forgotten a lot of details, partly due to the lack of oxygen in the approximate elevation of 4000 - 5000 m. We have spent 3 amazing days up there, weather was mostly very kind to us. The exception was the last night, when a strong wind came and blew us nearly away down to the valley. The other day there was a thick fog, so descent was kind of dangerous. Jiudingshan will unfortunately never be the same. An asphalt road was under construction at the time we were...
An attempt to depict a lovely Sichuan University desolated campus, where I spent 3 semesters while studying chinese. Lomo LC-A / Kodak 200
Dedicated to my brother Natalia Maholanyi and my role model Joseph Rock. Holga / Kodak 200
Yi people from Cool Mountains. Lomo LC-A / Kodak 100 / Fucked Up By CrossProcess™